Submission-Doctoral Tutorial

The Submission is now closed. Thank you for your submission to the EFA Annual Meeting.
Our final program will be ready by the end of June.


The EFA 2016 will also host a Doctoral Tutorial, one-day event for PhD students. In case that you wish to submit to the Doctoral Tutorial, please visit our Doctoral Tutorial page.  Please note that you CANNOT submit to both the Doctoral Tutorial and the main conference. Papers submitted to the main conference will NOT be considered for the Doctoral Tutorial and vice versa.


The Submission is now closed
Registration to  Conference                                                April 2016
Program Committee Decsions                                            May 2016
Final Program                                                                     June 2016


Best EFA Doctoral Tutorial Paper Prize


The best paper presented at the 2016 EFA Doctoral Tutorial will be recognized with the Best PhD Tutorial Paper Prize sponsored by the NASDAQ OMX Educational Foundation. In addition, one of the presenters may be invited to present his/her work at the Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) Fall Conference 2016 to be held in Chicago September 2016.


For more information about the Doctoral Tutorial, please visit our Doctoral Tutorial page.


If you have questions regarding the procedures for submitting a paper, please visit our Guidelines for Submission and FAQ page.