Professor John H. Cochrane will be the Keynote Speaker at the EFA 43rd Annual Meeting in Oslo.
John H. Cochrane
John H. Cochrane is a Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and an adjunct scholar of the CATO Institute.
Before joining Hoover Institution, Professor John H. Cochrane was the AQR Capital Management Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he taught the MBA class “Advanced Investments” and a variety of PhD classes in Asset Pricing and Monetary Economics. John Cochrane earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physics at MIT, and earned his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of California at Berkeley. He was at the Economics Department of the University of Chicago before joining the Booth School in 1994, and visited UCLA Anderson School of Management in 2000-2001. He is a past President and Fellow of the American Finance Association, and a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He has been an Editor of the Journal of Political Economy, and associate editor of several journals including the Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Business, and Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and director of the NBER Asset Pricing Program. Recent awards include the TIAA-CREF Institute Paul A. Samuelson Award for his book Asset Pricing, the Chookaszian Endowed Risk Management Prize, the Faculty Excellence Award for MBA teaching and the McKinsey Award for Outstanding Teaching.
Professor John Cochrane's recent publications include the book "Asset Pricing" and articles on dynamics in stock and bond markets, the volatility of exchange rates, the term structure of interest rates, the return to venture capital, liquidity premiums in stock prices, the relation between stock prices and business cycles, and option pricing when investors cannot perfectly hedge. His monetary economics publications include articles on the relationship between deficits and inflation, the effects of monetary policy, and the fiscal theory of the price level. He has also written articles on macroeconomics, health insurance, time-series econometrics, financial regulation, and other topics. He was a co-author of "The Squam Lake Report". His Asset Pricing PhD class is available online via Cousera.
John H. Cochrane frequently contributes editorial opinion essays to the Wall Street Journal, and other publications. He maintains the Grumpy Economist blog.
For more information, please see Cochrane’s website or his full CV.
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